The Basic Needs All Partners Group is the coalition of staff, faculty, students, and community members that work to address food and housing security of UCSB students as well as other basic needs issues. This group meets approximately quarterly. Consisting of over 300 members, meetings are public and everyone is encouraged to participate. No prior experience is necessary for involvement.
For more information, please contact Rebecca Segundo rplotkin@ucsb.edu
The success of the Basic Needs Program at UCSB is because of the work of hundreds of students, staff, and faculty from many different departments and divisions across the campus as well as many off-campus partners. Each has played an essential role based on their skills, knowledge, resources, and interest areas. There is so much work to do to address the needs of our students and we cannot afford to waste time by redoing work already completed by other partners or which could be completed more efficiently and effectively in partnership.
We also believe that the best ideas are developed when students, staff, faculty, and community partners work in collaboration from the start to the full implementation and evaluation of a project. We are committed to including each of these groups in all of our committees and project teams as full and equal partners.