You will learn some of the most important healthy financial habits you should develop while you are attending college, and also receive an overview of various resources around campus that can contribute to your financial wellness here at UCSB.
You will learn how to eat balanced, healthy meals on a budget, and also receive an overview of various resources around campus that can contribute to your food security here at UCSB.
You will learn about different kinds of debt, how credit cards work, and how to protect your credit score. You will also learn about the different types of student loans available to students here at UCSB and how to best manage repayment.
You will learn how Financial Aid payments work and how to understand your BARC (Billing Accounts Receivable Collections) account. We will provide important tips and advice on how to manage your student account, avoid potential pitfalls, and also introduce you to other financial resources around campus.
In this online module focused on housing, you will learn how to look for housing from various living options ranging from apartments to co-ops. The module also covers financial aid, undocumented student resources, and other housing support services. Learn insightful tips about navigating contracts, considering summer housing, and finding roommates.
In this online module, you will be introduced to the enrollment process and services offered through UC SHIP and UCSB Student Health. You will learn about the health resources offered for students at UCSB including support for wellbeing and mental health.
With this module, you will learn about technology resources that are offered on campus. You will also discover tools to help assess what best suits your technology needs.