Community Affairs Board (CAB)
The AS/UCSB Community Affairs Board (CAB), UCSB’s Volunteer Action Center, is dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of all UCSB Students by providing information and easy access to community service work. Through a wide range of projects and community programs such as mentoring students at Isla Vista Elementary to keeping our beaches litter free, CAB seeks to augment classroom experiences, create opportunities for career exploration, connect UCSB to the community in a meaningful way, and promote the ethics of public service.
Contact: as-cabcommunityoutreach@ucsb.edu

Edible Campus Program
The Edible Campus Program is always looking for students to get involved. They have volunteers working on planting and designing of various food growing locations, developing various educational workshops, expanding and cultivating new partnerships, working administratively on writing grants and other fundraising efforts.
Contact: Grace Pham, gracepham@ucsb.edu

GHGP is an enjoyable and educational organization at UCSB that welcomes students, faculty, and staff to garden organically. One can become a member (fee of $40 per year and a $10 deposit) to have an individual plot with access to tools and seeds, or help other gardeners with their plots. Members grow a wide variety of plants, anywhere from flowers, vegetables, herbs and or huge pumpkins.
Contact: ghgpucsb@gmail.com

Isla Vista Tenants Union helps Isla Vista renters, many first time renters, to navigate their legal rights and responsibilities in terms of housing in order to build a united, educated, and proactive community. An IVTU volunteer will be able to choose which specific cause they'd like to focus on, from community events to advising tenants, and make meaningful impacts across the board.
Contact: ivtenantsunion@gmail.com or (805) 968 - 6704

UCSB Sustainability offers students a variety of opportunities including internships, jobs, student organizations and more. For a full list of ways you can get involved on campus, click here.