The Financial Crisis Response Team is committed to meeting the financial housing needs of all our students.

The office can provide

  • Rental Deposit Assistance
  • Housing Rent Vouchers
  • Cost of Attendance Adjustments

Documentation is required for recipients to be provided a housing voucher and they must have accessed their student loan eligibility. If students are unable to provide documentation they must complete and submit a self-certification housing form. Housing vouchers will be awarded to students who are determined to be experiencing a housing emergency. Vouchers can be used for both on-campus and off-campus living arraignments. To contact the Financial Crisis Response Team (FCRT), you can email them at

Funding at a Glance

These loans are available for undergraduate students experiencing serious financial difficulties that jeopardize their success or continued enrollment at UCSB and who have exhausted all other resources. Repayment is 1 year or before graduation (flexible based on circumstances). 

Contact the Student and Parent Liaison at (805) 893-4521 or (805) 893-4569 to discuss whether you might be eligible.

The A.S. Community Financial Fund (CFF) offers quarterly Financial Literacy Workshops to UCSB students. The workshop will take an hour long and will provide you a $200 grant, contingent on passing a financial literacy quiz and a short essay detailing your financial literacy knowledge.

Please check out our website for more information.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Chair, Vincent Ton, at

Thank you!

Associated Students offers an interest free loan in amount of either $200, $400 or $600 for an academic quarter to any enrolled students. There is a processing fee of $5 and a $10 processing/assessment fee by BARC billing.

The student must repay the loan within 30 days.

The AS/EOP funds are to be used to meet unusual educationally-related expenses that are incurred by regularly enrolled student members of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). To apply students need to make an appointment to see a counselor in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). Areas covered by the grant include dental/medical, graduate school testing fees, textbooks and supplies, and emergency grants.

If eligible students will complete the application while with the EOP counselor.

Appointments may be scheduled by calling (805) 893-4758 or stopping by the EOP front desk in the Student Resource Building, Suite 2210

Emergency grants of varying amounts are available for Guardian Scholars (former Foster Youth) experiencing serious financial difficulties. Requests are reviewed by a committee in consultation with Financial Aid.

To apply, contact Lisa Przekop in the Office of Admissions at

The GSA Emergency Relief Grant was approved by the UCSB graduate student body in 2011 and is designed to help graduate students who are experiencing sudden financial distress due to unforeseen circumstances  The amount of an award ranges between $100 and $1000 depending upon individual circumstances.

Please visit GSA for the application.