Library Resources
If course material you need is not available through the Library, talk to your instructor about putting the item on reserve for your class.
Having trouble or can’t find what you’re looking for?
Library Collections
See if UCSB Library already has an item in our collections (article, book, ebook, video, etc.) before you spend any money! Check
UC Library Search Research Databases Library Hours
Options for Affordable Textbooks
Free and Shared Textbooks
The Associated Students Book Bank began as part of A.S. Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee. The A.S. Book Bank was envisioned to fill the textbook need by providing free textbooks in order to support the retention efforts of UCSB students. Currently, the A.S. Book Bank is working to increase their catalog and looking towards the future to become an all inclusive support service for UCSB students. AS Book Bank
Over the years, past students have donated old or unused textbooks, iClickers, and other course materials to our program in order to make them available to their peers. All materials are cataloged online. Check our selection. Promise Scholars Book Bank
Ondas Textbook Lending
Transfer Student Center Lending
Contact: Matthew Nunez
Programs Assistant:
Some instructors place textbooks, articles, e-books, videos, quizzes, homework solutions, and other materials on physical or electronic course reserves through the Library.
You can borrow physical reserves for free from the Library Services Desk. Loan periods are usually 2 hours, and reserves can be booked in advance and renewed. Use free scanners in the Library to make PDFs of reserve material (within copyright guidelines).
Log into Ares, the Library’s course reserves management system, to see a list of what’s on (physical and electronic) reserve for each of your classes and to access electronic reserve materials.
Financial Assistance For Textbooks
The AS/EOP funds are to be used to meet unusual educationally-related expenses that are incurred by regularly enrolled student members of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). To apply students need to make an appointment to see a counselor in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP).
Areas covered by the grant include medical/dental/optical, graduate program testing fees, graduate program/professional program application fees, graduate preparatory exam fees, textbook and supplies (lost, damaged, or stolen), academic/research conferences and academic memberships, and emergency grants.
If eligible for the grant, students will complete the application during the meeting with the EOP counselor. Appointments may be scheduled by calling (805) 893-4758, stopping by the EOP front desk in the Student Resource Building, Suite 2210, or by going to the EOP website staff page.
(Re-entry/Non-traditional Students)
The UCSB Professional Women’s Association offers a limited number
of $200 grants to re-entry/non-traditional students each year. Applications
are due winter quarter, and awards are distributed before the following quarter.
Please note: past award recipients are not eligible to re-apply.
For more information, email
Providing academic accommodations to students with disabilities is a shared responsibility of the campus. Students with disabilities are responsible for ensuring that the Disabled Students Program (DSP) is aware of their disabilities and for providing DSP with appropriate documentation. DSP is located at 2120 Student Resource Building and serves as the campus liaison regarding academic issues and regulations related to students with disabilities. The DSP staff works in an advisory capacity with a variety of campus departments to ensure that equal access is provided to all disabled students.
Register with DSP Accommodations!
DSP engages in an interactive process (either through appointment or form) with prospective DSP students to determine an appropriate range of accommodations that facilitate equal access to education.
Over half of UCSB undergraduates utilize CLAS services every year. Benefits include increased confidence, improved grades, and completion of majors and degrees. CLAS covers the span of lower division course-specific instructional support in economics, engineering, math and the sciences, academic skills development, graduate school preparation, ESL, foreign language, and writing services.
Registered UCSB undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to participate in all CLAS services at no extra cost. Services at CLAS have been pre-paid through student fees and state core funds.
Types of services at CLAS include:
- Drop-in tutorials in math, science, economics, writing and foreign language
- Math, Science, Economics tutorial groups
- Study skills workshops and coaching
- Writing workshops
To enroll in CLAS services, UCSB students can enroll online or in-person beginning the first day of classes every quarter at noon.
Location: Building 300 (or Building 434)
CLAS frequently utilizes the four classrooms located in Building 300. Building 300 is directly across from South Hall. (Building 434 is just south of Bldg 300.)