Santa Barbara, Goleta, Carpinteria

View a list of supplemental food resources throughout Santa Barbara County.
Includes food pantries, mobile distributions, prepared meals, and mobile farmers markets.
All resources are available to the community at little or no charge, some locations may require scholarships and registration.
South Food Distributions
Santa Barbara
Distributions are held Mon - Fri 12 PM to 5 PM at 1401 Chapala Street
Every third Wednesdays of the month from 3 PM to 5 PM groceries are distributed at 50 E. Alamar, SB CA, 93105
Pantry operates first, second, and fourth Saturday of the month from 9 AM to 10 AM at 909 N. La Cumbre Road (Trinity Lutheran Church) No lines may be formed before 8:30 AM.
Every 30 days, one may schedule an appointment (ask for Tony - 805-964-8738) for groceries and or pick groceries up the last Thursday of every month from 4 PM to 5:30 PM at 4849 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara
Good Sheppard Church
Distributions are held the first Saturday of each month starting at 9 AM at Mon - Fri 12 PM to 5 PM at 380 North Fairview Avenue, Goleta, CA 93117
Catholic Charities
Please Call (805) 684-8621 or 941 Walnut Street Carpinteria, Ca 93013 for More Information
St Joseph's Church
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month From 12:30 Pm to 2 Pm at 1532 Linden Ave. (805- 684 - 2181)
Hot Meals and More
Santa Barbara Rescue Mission
535 E Yananoli St
Daily 6am - 6pm
Wednesday Only 8:15am - 10am