The Financial Wellness Committee is a subcommittee effort of the Direct Services Committee. This team focuses on financial literacy and wellness practices to improve student financial health. This diverse team works in collaboration to streamline financial wellness efforts across campus and to align financial wellness resources and support systems. Most recently, this team celebrated Financial Wellness Awareness Month in April 2021, during which they hosted a variety of virtual programming covering topics such as: loans, tax filing, balanced eating on a budget, ways to save, paying off debt and more!
Members of the Financial Wellness Committee include representatives from the following departments: Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, Associated Students Community Financial Fund, Educational Opportunity Program, Undocumented Students Services, Health and Wellness, BARC and the Basic Needs Thrive Team.
The Financial Wellness Committee meets once per month, for more information contact Co-Chairs: Stacey Eymann, Rebecca Segundo.
Financial Wellness Awareness Month - APRIL 2024

What is FWAM?
Financial Wellness Awareness Month (FWAM) focuses on spreading awareness and educating people on the importance of financial well-being.
The month’s focus encompasses a variety of financial concepts such as budgeting, savings, investing, managing debt, and planning for your future. This month is important because it allows UCSB students to check in on their current financial well-being and empowers members with the knowledge and skills needed to make good financial decisions.
Throughout the month, the Financial Wellness Committee will be brining awareness to students to make smart decisions about their money—covering everything from budgeting and saving to how to achieve better overall financial health.